In The Neo Silver Millennium, Queen Serenity is loved by all. But there is a darker side of her rule that remains hidden under a quiet layer of censorship. The Moon Senshi are reborn in the future to stop the oppression that laid waste to their former kingdoms. Together, they bring an end to the innocence of Crystal Tokyo...

he Neo Silver Millennium ushered in a new era of peace and happiness for humanity. Initial feelings of fear and trepidation at the idea of a world dictator were assuaged by the kindness and selflessness of Neo Queen Serenity, the beneficent ruler of the Earth--and her more pragmatically minded husband, King Endymion.

lthough a terrible criminal known as the Phantom temporarily shattered the peaceful new order of the world, he was captured and sent away to Nemesis, the dark tenth planet of the Solar System. However, long-absent fears of brutal violence and crime persisted among Neo Queen Serenity's flock. After much deliberation, a decision was reached; to banish evil from all the peoples of Earth then-living. Neo Queen Serenity summoned the great power of the Silver Crystal once more and sent a wave of her sacred power over the surface of the planet, purging all feelings of violence and hatred from the minds of her subjects. Crime ended and peace reigned supreme.

f course, all good things never last. The children of these purified parents were not born with their parents' perfect morality, and like generations before, they were subject to hatred, fear and crime. Still, the rates of crime were low, and the Earth continued living in comparative stability until the 30th century, when the Black Moon family attacked. Repelled by Sailor Senshi of the past, however, another purification was ultimately not necessary. Nemesis was purged of its negative energy and peace returned once more.

ntil the arrival of the Moon Senshi. Claiming to be from a distant past known as the Rainbow Millennium, the Moon Senshi swear that Sailor Pinkmoon's child will be the reincarnation of Queen Diana, the tyrant who destroyed their Kingdoms long ago. To that end, they plan to kill Usagi Small Lady Serenity--and any other Senshi that gets in their way. At first, the royal family is convinced that these senshi are impostors, agents of Chaos merely masquerading as senshi. But when Sailor Titan is able to exit through the door to the royal palace--one that only appears to those with the crystals of Sailor Senshi--they realize the story of the Moon Senshi may, in fact, be true.

tanding in the sea of all of this is Sailor Titan, a Moon Senshi whose father was purified long ago. The crystal's 'sacred' power, she claims, destroys the personality of those it purifies. And more than any other Moon Senshi, she will do anything to avenge her father's broken soul...