These are various links I've either enjoyed, found useful, or were instrumental in building this website.

What happened before the Moon Kingdom fell? What were the royalty of the Silver Millennium like? Those are the questions answered by Silver Legacy, the amazing web doujin of my friend Winetta. I also revise/proofread her comic. :-)

Moonsticks, a hilariously cute comic parodying the foibles of Sailor Moon.

Four King Hell Four King Hell is probably the most popular English Sailor Moon doujin, and with good reason--with numerous hilarious hijinks, shitennou romantic subtext and appearances by all your favorite characters that got "forgotten," it's basically a giant love letter to Sailor Moon.

Faery Silk Threads The amigurumi store of my friend Ashley. Also? She makes otaku senshi amigurumi, which I can attest to being both amazing and adorable. Check her out!

Sailor Astera The website for the Sailor Astera fanfic, one of the longest-running and most successful Sailor Moon otaku senshi fanfics.

Lovely-Seraph's Fanfics Fanfiction by my friend (and fellow Heliusa shipper) Lovely-Seraph.

Neo-nobility is an amazing guide to all things related to Crystal Tokyo and the royalty of Sailor Moon. If you're reading Moon Senshi and you're feeling a bit rusty on what Neo Queen Serenity is like, the extent of Helios' powers, or who the Sailor Quartet are--this is a great place to go.

Wikimoon An amazing encyclopedia and resource for info on the anime and manga. Fact-checking has become so much easier since Wikimoon.

Manga Style! Houses a complete collection of all the Sailor Moon artbooks, including the Materials Collection and Infinity. Invaluable for graphics creation.

The Oracle is the best non-wiki resource on Sailor Moon, and it contains screencaps from every episode of the anime in addition to its wealth of information on the series.

The official Sailor Moon fanlisting, Moon Prism also houses some exclusive box art scans and hard-to-find high-res scans.

Dreaming Moon houses an incredible collection of Sailor Moon trading card scans, which means you can find high-res scans of Sailor Moon artwork that's available almost nowhere else.

Formerly known as the Deep Submerge Directory, ten(sen)shi houses a list of most of the top-quality Sailor Moon sites on the net.

Website Resources & Credits

Obsidian Dawn Quite possibly the best brush, texture and pattern download site on the web.

MouritsaDA's dA page A great source for patterns, textures and brushes.

Crazy-alice's dA page A great source for brushes and repeating textures (I made the background from one of her packs.)

Mellowmint's dA page The source of the flower background textures, and a great source of textures in general!

Frizzy's dA The dA account of Frizzy, the author of Four King Hell who also kindly drew me Sailor Titan as a gift.

My friend Cassie's website. She drew Sailor Titan in the "gallery" section, and she is an amazing artist.

dg-sama's dA page This is where I got all those art nouveau frames from.

Moppy's dA page The source of my Japanese paper texture.

Carly's dA page The source of the Neo Queen Serenity sprite. Where I learned CSS. (and a bit of HTML, too.)

Other Stuff I Like

Order of the Stick A comic about D&D, in equal measures humorous and serious.

Gunnerkrigg Court An amazing urban fantasy comic by Tom Siddell.

Amazoness! A comic about Amazons. It's sort of hard to explain the appeal of this comic, but it's become one of my favorites despite its erratic update schedule.

Hyperbole and a Half The nonfictional adventures of Allie. They are pretty over the top!